Funding Calls Launched!

Up to £400,000 grant funding available for offshore wind supply chain improvement projects Offshore Wind Growth Partnership issues its first calls to engage with industry The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) has released its first funding pot totalling £400,000 for projects that aim to improve the competitiveness of the existing UK supply chain and encourage […]
OWGP Launch

Hundreds of UK companies to benefit from new initiative to maximise offshore wind supply chain opportunitiesFormer McLaren Group CEO and Formula One Team Principal Martin Whitmarsh will chair industry-funded programme to develop a globally competitive UK supply chain and support over 650 companies to deliver 60% UK content in offshore wind farms. The Offshore Wind […]
Offshore Wind Sector Deal

Ex rerum accusamus voluptatem aut illum et laudantium earum commodi omnis reiciendis qui nam maxime aperiam ipsum praesentium quis libero et quo quae quia nobis expedita sit ipsa quaerat quis dolore omnis voluptatum voluptatem et dicta eos error itaque harum consequatur quos autem consequuntur a eos itaque est ipsa qui ipsam libero repudiandae quis ipsa.
Global Offshore Wind 2019

Global Offshore Wind is the premier offshore wind event in the world’s largest offshore wind market. This event will come to life over two jam-packed days of political keynotes, expert panels, debates, procurement tenders, sector deal updates, disruptive innovation, business partnering, international pavilions, inward delegations and much more. OWGP is hosting an Engagement event on […]