Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

Funding and Support Opportunities

There are two types of funding and support opportunities we offer, Business Transformation and Grant Funding, click on an option below to find out more.


Top tips for a successful Business Transformation application

Before filling in the applications for any of the business transformation programmes, the scope and guidance document should be read to understand what is required throughout the application, it also gives helpful hints about what information is required for the answers.

It is recommended that the application questions are prepared in a Microsoft Word file first as it is not possible to save the Microsoft form and come back to it at a later time.

When answering all the questions, honesty is the best policy. The application is an opportunity for the OWGP team to understand your organisation in more detail and to understand how we can best help you with your offshore wind journey. Being honest enables us to best design the support which is bespoke towards your organisation.

Where possible be numerate in your responses, this enables the OWGP Team to understand best what assistance you are looking for and where your starting point is within offshore wind.

With regards to WEST programme timelines, all important dates are available in section 10 of the scope and guidance document.