Participate in OWGP Market Screening
In its capacity as the Industrial Growth Plan Delivery Body, OWGP is seeking to identify supply chain investment projects that may qualify for funding under the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 7 Clean Industry Bonus scheme.
In order to qualify for funding, facilities must satisfy the requirements set out in the Allocation Framework.
Companies are invited to register their project details by clicking on the button below.
Why Participate?
OWGP is seeking to strengthen the UK’s offshore wind supply chain and advance sector growth by identifying and closing supply chain gaps.
Your participation will improve OWGP’s understanding of the nature and volume of qualifying investment opportunities.
The information gathered will help inform our future funding calls. Participation is optional and companies who do not participate in market screening will not be at a disadvantage later.
Please indicate in the online form if you give your consent to being contacted about your project.
Register your project:
Why Participate?
OWGP is seeking to strengthen the UK’s offshore wind supply chain and advance sector growth by identifying and closing supply chain gaps.
Your participation will improve OWGP’s understanding of the nature and volume of qualifying investment opportunities.
The information gathered will help inform our future funding calls. Participation is optional and companies who do not participate in market screening will not be at a disadvantage later.
Please indicate in the online form if you give your consent to being contacted about your project.
Register your project:

Why Participate?
OWGP is seeking to strengthen the UK’s offshore wind supply chain and
advance sector growth by identifying and closing supply chain gaps.
Your participation will improve OWGP’s understanding of the nature and
volume of qualifying investment opportunities.
The information gathered will help inform our future funding calls.
Participation is optional and companies who do not participate in market
screening will not be at a disadvantage later.
Please indicate in the online form if you give your consent to being
contacted about your project.